It was drizzling and dark so I thought nobody would turn up for the walk. I should have known better! Nothing stops the Polyramblers! There were 11 of us on the walk. We crossed Vauxhall Bridge without seeing the bronze statues on both sides, passed the Tyburn River outfall, Pimlico Garden with the statue of William Huskinsson MP, who was run down by George Stephenson’s Rocket, and St George’s Square. We walked along Bessborough Garden before reaching the Millbank conservation area and then Tate Britain. We followed the Thames to a new development with statues in the public garden and crossed Vauxhall Bridge again ending the wall at the tube station. It was a pleasant walk – to be repeated – but preferably on a long summer evening to be able to enjoy the gardens. 6 of us finished the evening in a very nice Madeiran restaurant.