Category Archives: Walk reports


It rained heavily during most of the walk but our small group of 8 polyramblers were all geared up for it!  We walked through many parks and woods, Coney hill Park, Sparrows Den, Spring Park woods, Shirley Heath, Cheyne wood, Three Halfpenny wood, Addlington Hills (we had our lunch stop under trees near the viewpoint there), Bramley Bank, Littleheath woods, Selsdon wood, Farleigh Common (where the weather picked up). Happily, the sun stayed out for us on the final hour of our walk and it was a short wait for the 403 at Hamsey Green.

Jackie McCartan

Photos by Hilary and Rochelle


After meeting at New Malden station 15 Polys set off to follow the Beverley Brook to the Thames. We passed New Malden golf course and after going under the busy A3 we were soon in the lovely woodland of Beverley Meads and Fishponds Local Nature Reserve. We followed the brook along the edge of Wimbledon common, a Site of Special Scientific Interest, and crossed over into Richmond Park, also an SSSI and National Nature Reserve, at Robin Hood gate. Here we were pleased to find toilets, the ladies all holding the door for each other so only spending 20p altogether. Good for us, but not so good for the council coffers! We stopped at the café near Roehampton gate for lunch. This was fortunate as we had a brief downpour and the picnickers were also able to come inside out of the rain. The afternoon took us through Palewell Common to Barnes Common, where two members peeled off to make their way home from Barnes Station. We then descended to the Thames through Putney Lower Common and along past the boat houses to Putney Bridge. Here most participants dispersed in various directions. Four of us retired to the Bricklayers Arms where Sandra very kindly offered us a drink to celebrate her recent birthday. It was agreed by all that the walk had been ideal for an autumn day when the weather was rather unsettled.

Thanks to Ida for the photos.



Eleven Polyrambers set off from Westhumble rail station on a six mile circular walk including the village of Mickleham, woodlands making up Norbury Park and the Druids Grove with its fine specimens of ancient Yews.

The weather was unexpectedly fine with only a couple of quick showers passing through.  The only pub on route was closed when we passed by, but we were later afforded fine views of the Mole valley including Box Hill from where we picnicked.

The final leg of the walk became a bit of a challenge as the previous day’s wet weather had made sections of the chalky path slippery, but by using poles or holding somebody’s hand everyone managed to stay upright!

Near the end we encountered a large herd of Jersey Cows requiring navigation around certain deposits in the grass using a heads down rambling technique!

Finally, the leader perfectly timed the return to the rail station so that fellow ramblers only had a couple of minutes to wait for a train back to London!

Kim Chowns 

Photos by Ida and Patricia



Saturday 30th September Hanwell to Richmond Via the Grand Union Canal, Syon Park and Isleworth

16 members of the Poly Ramblers Club met at Hanwell Station to begin our walk to Richmond. I had warned about the short platform at Hanwell but had failed to mention that not all trains stopped there resulting in one member ending up at Hayes and Harlington. We stopped to admire the Wharncliffe Viaduct, one of Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s first great projects, before following the Capital Ring along Fitz Herberts Path named after a couple who petitioned the council for a path to join up the Brent meadows with the Grand Union Canal. We walked along the Grand Union Canal after our first stop at the popular Fox Pub to browse at their market. We continued our route towards Brentford diverting off to admire the fruit trees planted by a local group planting fruit trees for foraging along the canal and adjoining meadows. We crossed the canal at Gallows bridge and then past Clitheroe Locks to Boston Manor Park via a newly renovated wooden bridge, where we stopped for tea or ice cream at the newly opened café. We reached the Brentford Docks via a pontoon, the footpath being temporarily closed due to the construction of a new bridge across the canal. Our next stop was Syon Park, owned by the Duke of Northumberland, where we had lunch at the Garden Centre café. We reached the Thames at Isleworth with attractive views up and down the river. We followed the Thames Path continuing through a gateway and a short walk along the pavement led us to another Thames Path notice which returned us to the river. After a further short walk along the Thames, we crossed Richmond Bridge and continued towards Richmond. A walk across Richmond Green brought us to Richmond Station.


After a slightly delayed train journey, 19 Poly Ramblers and 1 guest made it onto the rail replacement bus at Staines, thanks to Ida who arranged for the bus to be held for us. Unfortunately 1 member arrived at Egham on a later bus, too late to join the walk. Such are the perils of rail delays and replacements. But we were lucky with the weather. The sun shone all day, at just the right temperature for an autumn walk. We made our way up Cooper’s Hill and down to Runnymede to enjoy the recent artworks commissioned to celebrate 8oo years since the signing of the Magna Carta.

Writ in Water by Mark Wallinger is a large scale round structure that leads to a central chamber open to the sky, above a pool of water around which the words of Clause 39 of the Magna Carta are reflected. Huw Locke’s 12 Jurors also echoes Clause 39. His 12 bronze chairs are decorated with images relating to the struggle for freedom and equal rights. We also admired some amazing, large wickerwork figures in the process of construction. However, what we did not see (sorry folks) was the memorial to J F Kennedy opened in 1965, which Andrew asked about. Apparently, Britain gifted an acre of Runnymede woodland to America in memory of JFK – the only piece of American soil in the UK (good quiz question). On it is a 7 ton block of carved Portland stone reached by climbing up steps made from 60000 granite setts (square cobbles to you and me). Definitely something to see on another visit.

After a snack stop at the NT cafe, we walked the Thames Path to Datchet for a late lunch, admiring the expensive houses and boats along the way. The pub and community cafe at Datchet served us well. Two people left after lunch and the rest of us continued on the Thames Path to Windsor, with views of the Castle and Eton school.

Thanks to all who joined me on this walk, my first as leader since January 2020! And thanks to Ida for her photos and negotiation skills. Sandra